Media engagement
The team’s analysis of World Values Survey data is regularly featured in UK and international media, both in print and online. A small selection of the key coverage can be found below.
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
December 2023
Left Foot Foward
Young audience members perfectly sum up attitudes towards government’s immigration policies on Question Time
Georgia L Gilholy: The biggest challenge facing white working-class children? Nobody takes their problems seriously
La Svolta (Italy)
Brexit: cosa ne pensano Millennial e Gen Z?
October 2023
Investors’ Chronicle
Is (a lack of) trust behind our stock market malaise?
UK millennials are “more sceptical about prioritising work” over life
HR Grapevine
Family-Friendly Policies | Insights from the Parental Leave and Family Support Benchmark
naTemat (Poland)
Bohaterowie, przestępcy czy po prostu zwykli oportuniści. Oto jak kino pokazuje polityków
September 2023
BBC News
Brits most likely to say ‘we don’t live to work’
Britons least likely to say work is important to them, world study finds
The Times
Work comes first? Not for the British
Daily Telegraph
Younger people less likely to value work than older generations
People in the UK are seeing work as less important than ever before
The Times
In the park? Welcome to Generation Why Work So Hard
British people are some of the least work focused in the world, survey finds
Mail Online
Work-shy Britain!
Brits among least likely to say work important to them, survey finds
Evening Standard
Britons no longer believe hard work brings a better life
Daily Express
Lazy Britain mapped: The areas where the most people have shunned employment
The great rejection: why Brits no longer care about work
ITV News
The world's most work-weary nation? How our views on work-life balance are changing
Of course Britain’s millennials have lost faith in work. Make fairer and that might change
The Times
The values we want in our children – and why obedience is off the list
Britons now place low value on teaching children obedience, study finds
The Telegraph
Britons prefer children to be independent rather than obedient
Imagination and hard work in children trumps obedience, study finds
Daily Express
Modern parents value polite manners over obedience in their children
Brits don’t want to raise obedient children anymore. Here’s what they’re prioritising instead
Burnt-out from work? Try following Hugh Jackman’s 85% rule
i News
I don’t want my child to be obedient - it isn’t important anymore
Daily Mirror
Hugh Jackman’s unique 85% rule after announcing split from wife of 27 years
Values we teach our kids change – but good manners are timeless
Sunday Times
Apple of my eye only has eyes for her Apple phone
The Telegraph
Richard Dawkins interview: “I shall continue to use every one of the prohibited words”
Sunday Telegraph
The kids are alright – it’s the parents I’m worried about
The Times
We’re less obedient – thank god for that
The Herald
World Attitudes Survey shows disobedience is a good quality
”It felt futile”: young Britons swap career-driven lives for family and fun
The Telegraph
How the UK lost it's work ethic
Business Leader
Millennial magic: How they’re changing the game in business
Why has the UK fallen out of love with work?
First Post
Sun has set on UK: “Britons don’t believe in hard work anymore”
AllWork Space
Attitude towards work-life balance changing globally
Tech Digest
Tech Digest daily roundup: Brits see work as less important than 40 years ago
The U.S. Sun (USA)
Baby Steps. I’m a life coach – the 8 rules you’ve got to teach your child and why it’s important to be selfish
Courrier International (France)
Étude. Pour les jeunes Britanniques, le travail n’est plus aussi important qu’avant
Wion News (Asia)
British parents among bottom two in teaching kids responsibility, says study
Brits are the least likely to say work is important to their lives – and the U.S. isn’t far behind
National (UAE)
People in UK least likely to say work is important in their lives
August 2023
July 2023
El Porvenir (Mexico)
La peor respuesta posible
June 2023
The Spectator
How many black or Asian Britons feel a strong sense of European identity?
Conservative Home
Georgia L Gilholy: Young people cannot be blamed for turning their backs on the Conservatives
Press and Journal
James Millar: We don’t trust politicians but we trust each other – that’s as it should be
Behavioural Insights Team blog
The quiet boom of trust inside Britain
Politico London Playbook
Other SW1 events
May 2023
Daily Express
Britain divided? Don’t you believe it we’ve never been more united, says Bobby Duffy
New Statesman
The UK is less racist than the left – and the right – think
Financial Times
Progressives are winning the immigration debate – but it doesn’t feel like it
The Economist
Migration to Britain hits a record high
It’s no longer “the will of the people” to turn our back on asylum seekers
The Telegraph
Britain’s immigration is out of control, and could spell the end of the Tories
The Telegraph
Gen Z and millennials “more likely to believe in hell than baby boomers”
Less than half of Britons now believe in God, new study shows
Today Programme, BBC Radio 4
Research suggests people in the UK are among the least likely internationally to identify as being religious
Hell yes: younger Britons more likely to believe in damnation, study finds
The Times
Baby boomers lose religious faith faster than other generations
UK belief in God among lowest in world – with anti-LGBT+ religion “undeniably” driving people away
Cathy Newman, Times Radio
In a surprising revelation, young people are more likely to believe in the prospect of eternal damnation – and life after death – than the baby boomer generation
Financial Times
Can a right turn revive the Tories?
Six O’clock News, BBC Radio 4
Net migration to the UK last year rose to more than 600,000, a record figure
Rio Times (Brazil)
Brazil is the least racist country in the world, says research
New study shows people in the UK are among the least likely to believe in God
Forgive me, Father, but my generation would rather go to hell
Daily Express
Britons among least religious in the world after decades of decline in faith
Yahoo! News
GB News named most loved news brand in the UK in new poll
Does “Brexit Britain” really have a migration crisis?
Britain’s Conservatives want fewer immigrants and need more. It’s a problem
Relocate Magazine
Net migration figures – what isn’t being said
The UK is not populated by anti-immigrant racists, whatever Suella Braverman believes
April 2023
UK Ranks Alongside Russia and Mexico in Confidence in Democratic System After Decade of Tory Rule
Morning Star
‘Not our king’ chants point to deeper problems for Britain's ruling class
Times Radio Breakfast
"We’re well behind the principle [of democracy]. 9 in 10 of us now think it's a good way to govern a country – but we're just much less convinced by how it's working for us right now."
Belfast Telegraph
UK on par with Russia for confidence in political system, study shows
City AM
‘Had enough of experts?’ Record level of Brits now want them in charge
17 per cent of us are happy with out politicians – how is it that high?
UK on par with Russia for confidence in political system, study shows
The National (UAE)
British public's confidence in political system on par with Russia, survey shows
Sky News
UK on a par with Russia for confidence in political system, study suggests
The Scotsman
UK must resist Donald Trump-style populism to restore public confidence in political system
Global Government Forum
UK civil servants’ pay satisfaction drops dramatically, official survey shows
The National
Beware the self-loathing. It will only make Scotland worse
March 2023
Mail Online
Just two thirds of British public have confidence in police, global study shows
Het Laatste Nieuws (Belgium)
Britten hebben meer vertrouwen in EU dan in eigen regering
Kleine Zeitung (Austria)
Brits have more trust in the EU than in their government
Business Matters
Britons have more confidence in EU than Westminster, poll finds
Civil Service World
British public's confidence in civil service drops – but is still much higher than government and parliament
Die Zeit Online (Germany)
Briten vertrauen der EU laut Umfrage mehr als der eigenen Regierung
La Repubblica (Italy)
Brexit, 7 anni dopo i britannici hanno più fiducia nell'Ue che in Westminster
UK public more confident about the EU than the government, survey finds
Daily Express
Man in his 50s dies after being run down by a bin lorry collecting rubbish
El Mundo (Spain)
Los británicos confían más en la Unión Europea que en su propio Parlamento
Publico (Portugal)
Britânicos confiam mais na UE do que no Governo e no Parlamento do Reino Unido
The New European
Brits have more confidence in the EU than Westminster, survey shows
British people now have more confidence in the EU than Westminster
Trust in UK institutions slumps since pre-pandemic
Matt Chorley, Times Radio
"Every industry thinks they've got an acute crisis of trust. What we've got is a long-term chronic condition of declining levels of trust and confidence in political and other institutions in the UK."
The Herald
Why the crisis in trust has hit Scotland harder than England
The Irish News (Ireland)
Just two thirds of British public have confidence in police, global study shows
The National
WVS: What we learned from a huge international poll on Brexit and EU
Press Gazette
UK has second-lowest level of trust in press in survey of 24 countries
Brexit: British public trusts EU more than UK parliament, poll finds
Just two thirds of British public have confidence in police, global study shows
Britons have more confidence in EU than Westminster, poll finds
Financial Times
UK becoming increasingly tolerant
Positive News
How the UK became more liberal, despite the culture wars
La Svolta (Italy)
Quanto siamo (poco) progressisti?
Daily Telegraph
Are you kidding? It was boomers like me who invented casual sex
The Virtue of Inertia Has Kept the UK Sane
The Conversation
The UK now ranks as one of the most socially liberal countries in Europe – new research
The UK pushes a new migrant law slammed as racist, illegal and unworkable
Financial Times
Brexit revived Scotland’s independence debate, but its next steps are unclear
The National
Rising support for euthanasia and divorce marks UK as socially liberal – study
The Times
Move over, sexy Swedes. We British boomers are more fun
Daily Express
Woke Britian! Study shows 'socially Scandinavian' UK is more liberal than France
Premier Christian News
UK one of the most socially liberal countries in the world on abortion, homosexuality and casual sex
The Times
Britain now one of the world’s most liberal nations
Matt Chorley, Times Radio
"I was born in the 70s and always think of the 1990s and 2000s as pretty liberal on issues such as [homosexuality] – but it really wasn't when you look back."
ITV News
Rising support for euthanasia and divorce marks UK as socially liberal – study
Britain is now one of the world’s most socially liberal countries
Evening Standard
Rising support for euthanasia and divorce marks UK as socially liberal – study
Britons’ rising support for euthanasia and divorce marks UK as socially liberal, study says
Daily Telegraph
Baby boomers warm to casual sex after ‘following the social norm’
UK among most liberal countries on divorce and abortion, survey reveals
Financial Times
Datawatch: British public U-turn on attitudes to immigration
Daily Express
More people immigrated to UK in 2022 than any other year in history